
The Savvy Fiction Writer's

Field Guide


Everything you need to write a unique and powerful story that readers will love.


In this 5-week course you will learn how to take your story from idea to completed draft. No gimmicky steps, no quick fixes, just solid instruction grounded in real world experience to help you finally finish your novel. 

Before I tell you all about this program, let's make sure you're a good fit. 

The Savvy Fiction Writer's Field Guide is a good fit for you if you have a deep, sincere desire to write a novel but you:

  • Struggle to find time to write because of family or work commitments
  • Are frustrated that when you do find time to write you can't seem to get words on the page
  • Have some pages written (maybe even a lot of pages written), but aren't sure where to focus your energy to turn them into a completed, compelling novel
  • Are discouraged that what you've written doesn't read like a "real book" 

If any of these describe you, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE. 

The Savvy Fiction Writer's Field Guide will give you the tools, inspiration, and support to write a unique and powerful story that readers will love.

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • Developed a new level of commitment to your writing

    Building on scientifically backed methods of healthy habit creation you will have a new way of relating to your writing that nurtures creativity and fosters deep, productive focus.
  • Cultivated a deeper understanding of story structure

    Taking a close look at how master storytellers use structure in unique ways, you will apply that knowledge to your own work and come to understand how best to structure your story.
  • Learned to write compelling scenes 

    When we study scenes as discrete components within the structure of the story, we easily trim away superfluous writing that doesn't serve the narrative. Compelling scenes make a book hard to put down. 
  • Refined the way you use words to tell stories

    The best writing coveys ideas concisely. The goal is to paint a picture in the reader's mind that matches the story you've imagined. Precision wins over floral language every time.
  • Primed yourself for a long and successful career

    Writing fiction takes time, but there is a lot you can do to prepare yourself for opportunities that will arise in the future. Learn to build your audience, deal with rejections (they happen to all of us), and persist no matter what. 

"April is a thoughtful, considerate, fun, gentle, and genuine ally in this challenging, meaningful quest. No 'magic recipes,' no demanded 'steps for success,' just really thoughtful help and guidance."


In the initial 6 weeks I went from 5,800 words to 70,000 which was my goal for this draft. I added all those words… This program is a great opportunity to learn a different way of doing things. 

- Anne, Literary Fiction


If you’re debating whether to take April’s class, you must. She will inspire you on a daily basis to get your but in the chair, do your writing, be creative and unlock all of your potential.

- Eric, Thriller


April is one of the most encouraging people I’ve ever met. She gave me a lot of things I’d been looking for that other courses just didn’t. I can’t thank her enough for everything I gained.

- Pamala, Speculative Fiction


What’s Inside the Savvy Fiction Writer's Field Guide


Module 1

Prioritize Your Writing

We start with a deep dive into how to prioritize your writing. In this module we'll look at the science behind procrastination, distraction, and writer's block (hint - it's not a thing) so that you never struggle to write ever again. 

Module Highlights:

  • Concrete, actionable tips for making time to write
  • Scientifically backed methods for nurturing focus and creativity
  • Systematic dismantling of writer's block 
  • Library of guided meditations for writers
Module 2

Understanding Structure & Plot

In Module 2 we look at structure in a new light. This is way beyond the basic three-act structure model as it's usually taught. We look at 7 useful story structures and then explore some of the ways that authors are using them in unique and interesting ways. 

Module Highlights:

  • Simplified ways to think about plot
  • Clever character development to build conflict
  • 7 useful story structures (and the unique ways authors use them)
Module 3

The Elements of a Scene

Stories are made up of scenes. In Module 3 we explore what makes a compelling scene. We talk about setting, character, and conflict then study how they all work together to keep readers turning the pages. 

Module Highlights:

  • Tips for immersive storytelling
  • Proven methods for heightening tension
  • Using descriptions to emphasize themes
Module 4

Sentence by Sentence

Module 4 is where we get into the nitty gritty of craft work. Sentence by sentence we look at how to write. This is also when we take a look at what quirks in your writing might turn readers off. 

Module Highlights:

  • Five exercises for writing unique descriptions
  • Nine guidelines for captivating dialogue
  • Find your unique voice as a writer
Module 5

Beauty in Persistence

In the final week, we talk about how to persist as a writer, because writing is a long game. I'll help you prepare for the future publication of your book and give you some concrete tools you can use to keep yourself motivated when the going gets rough.

Module Highlights:

  • Strategies for lifelong learning
  • Build your author platform
  • Wrap up with a concrete plan for the path ahead

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Write Your Novel


Bonus 1

Guided Meditation Library

An online collection of guided meditations that I've created specifically for writers to build focus and tap into a flow state.

What You’ll Get:

  • Focus meditations 
  • Equanimity practices
  • Self-compassion to help you persist
Bonus 2

Scrivener Tutorials

Smart writers know that time spent learning new software is time that could be spent writing. I've created over 40 quick, to-the-point instructional videos to help you understand Scrivener quickly, so you can get back to work. 

What You’ll Get:

  • 17 intro-level tutorials
  • 13 intermediate lessons
  • 11 super-nerd videos

Frequently Asked Questions

What people have asked before signing up for the

Savvy Fiction Writer's Field Guide

If you're thinking "this sounds amazing, but I'm still not 100% sure" keep reading...

You're ready to make some serious progress

No more writing in circles. You're ready to get started, stay focused and finish your manuscript once and for all!

You'r no longer willing to suffer from writer's block

You may not yet know what's keeping you from writing, but you're ready to face it head on.

You're excited to improve your skills as a writer

You are determined to write compelling, engaging stories that readers will stay up all night reading.

I can’t wait for you to join the Savvy Fiction Writer's Field Guide

The practices I share in this course changed my life. I have poured so much love and careful thought into the Savvy Fiction Writer's Field Guide, because I want you to experience the same transformation I did. And I know you will, because I've seen it in action with countless writers just like you. I sincerely hope you will take this opportunity to invest in yourself and your writing. 

Don't forget, I offer a 14-day risk-free guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.